Winter maintenance

The company provides winter maintenance for the Ružinov district. Winter maintenance of roads, sidewalks and stairs from November 15th to March 15th.

Winter management is set of management and operational activities that ensure the passability (accessibility) of designated roads, sidewalks, and public areas during the winter period, which involves the removal of obstacles to passability (accessibility) caused by winter weather and climatic conditions. 

Winter maintenance of roads and sidewalks is conducted in accordance with applicable legislation and technical regulations, including Act No. 135/1961 Coll. On road communications (the road act) as amended; and decree No. 35/1984 Coll., which implements the road communications act (the road act).

The goal of the winter service is to ensure safe road conditions as quickly as possible, taking into account weather conditions and priorities.

The winter service period is generally from November 15th to March 15th of the following year. In case of change in climatic conidtions, the term can be adjusted.

The passability of dsignated road communications is defined as a condition of these roads that allows safe driving of motorized and non-motorized vehicled, adapted to the traffic-technical and structural state of these roads, weather conditions and other circumstances that the driver can anticipate.

The company’s employee are on 24-hour winter standby, during which they are on constant alert. during which they are on constant alert. Upon the announcement of an intervention, they are required to report to the company within one hour and start performing the intervention.


  • Snow removal – roads are cleared mechanically; sidewalks and public spaces are cleared both mechanically and manually.
  • Sprinkling with chemical materials: roads and sidewalks.
  • Sprinkling with ecological materials: parks and at railway crossings.

In parks, the ecological de-icing material Zeolite will be used.


A road is considered passable if at least one lane of at least 2.5 meters in width in one direction has been cleared. Sidewalks for pedestrians are considered passable if a passable strip of at least 1 meter in width has been created, allowing safe walking.

Roads of III. and IV. class and public spaces under the management of the client will be maintained during the winter period according to importance and instructions from the dispatcher of the winter service of the Local Office of Bratislava, Ružinov.

The company has at its disposal for winter service 7 machines, 10 accompanying vehicles, 4 Kubota machines for clearing, 6 Vari systems, and 60 employees for manual snow or ice removal from roads, sidewalks, and stairways. The chosen auxiliary equipment for sidewalk maintenance is the Vari system, which will be used year-round.


MOBILE: +421 915 555 991


Preparation for the winter service has been ongoing since November 15, 2019. The list of personnel and assignment to work groups have been prepared considering changes in the number of kilometers of sidewalks. We are systematically preparing for intervention through instruction and regular meetings with shift leaders, as well as workers performing the intervention. On maps, we have marked locations for prioritized snow clearing. We are preparing a substitution plan in case of a calamity. During the 2019/2020 winter service, we are beginning to use pre-salting based on weather forecasts when ice formation is expected (mitigation or removal of slipperiness on roads covered with an icy layer) and when snowfall exceeds 5 cm.

The Ružinov VPS company will follow the internal directive ZS 2019/2020 and its appendices, as well as the Organization and Management of ZS 2019/2020 prepared by the Ružinov Local Office.

In the photographs, you will find maps of the individual parts of the Ružinov District, showing the roads and sidewalks where the exact scope of the winter service is indicated.

Ružinov District maintains parks, main connecting sidewalks, and sidewalks leading to health centers, kindergartens, elementary schools, retirement homes, and shops.

Due to changes and the addition of sidewalk maintenance in Prievoz and Trnávka, we are preparing alternatives to ensure the walkability of sidewalks.

For economic and capacity reasons, it is not possible to maintain all locations within the same time interval. Therefore, we have placed several containers with grit material around Ružinov District (Gašparíkova, Krásna, Koperníkova, Krasinského, Nerudova, Mierová – Osvetová, Syslia, Valchárska – Súkennícka, Zvolenská) where residents can take salt and perform essential gritting until our employees arrive.

For this reason, we have divided the areas we manage into four priority levels:

  1. Health care facilities
  2. Kindergartens and schools
  3. Access roads to food stores and supply objects for the population
  4. Access roads to local and state government offices


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Last updated 7.10.2024