Verejnoprospešné služby Ružinov p.o.

Our employees have been taking care of greenery in the Bratislava - Ružinov district for many years.
We try to ensure continuous maintenance of roads and greenery in a satisfactory condition so that it can fulfill its functions in an urbanized environment. You can find more information about our company on the about us page.

=> Guideline for the citizens of Ružinov as part of the implementation of Spring Cleaning <=


Schedule of current works 21.2.2025

Stredisko Zeleň
  • Starý Ružinov - Čistenie, Zber nezáhradného odpadu, Zvýšená údržba
  • Zálužická - Zber konárov
  • MČ Ružinov - Orezy, Výrub stromov, Riešenie požiadaviek
  • MČ Ružinov - Vyprázdňovanie parkových košov a košov na psie exkrementy
Stredisko DI a HS
  • Nevädzová - odstránenie domčeka


Winter maintenance

Ružinov TVR Cultus Ružinov Ružinovské Echo A message for the mayor City police
Last updated 7.10.2024